Online Safety

Protect your computer

  • Strengthen your computer’s defenses. Keep all software (including your web browser) current with automatic updating.
  • Install legitimate antivirus and antispyware software.
  • Never turn off your firewall.
  • Protect your wireless router with a password, and use flash drives cautiously.

Don’t download malicious software

  • Think before you open attachments or click links in email-even if you know the sender.
  • Confirm with the sender that the message is authentic.
  • Don’t click links or buttons in pop-up windows.

Protect sensitive personal information

  • Before you enter sensitive data, look for signs that a webpage is secure-a web address that starts with https.
  • Never give sensitive information (like an account number or password) or call a number in response to a request in email, IM or a social network.

Create strong passwords

  •  Make them long phrases or sentences that mix capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
  •  Use different passwords, especially for sites that keep financial information.

Have questions about your computer or online safety, join the Ocean Hills Coumputer Club, they can help.

If you are considering purchasing or selling Ocean Hills homes contact Gary Harmon today.

All original content by Gary Harmon.

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